Wednesday, January 25, 2012

On The Road

Tomorrow morning is the beginning of the Phoenix Quilt Expo. Mark and I drove to Tempe last Thursday to spend time with our son Mark and his wife Kelly before we started our days of working at the Arizona Fairgrounds. We've been enjoying the sights, sounds and pulse of Arizona. So many freeways, really for a country girl who hates freeways I have done pretty well. I love the GPS on my iPad. This time of year is so nice here. It rained one night - 10 drops. We set our booth up this morning. Hopefully it will be a great success. It will be I know it will be. Positive thinking it's always better than negative. So here we go!

More to come, good night.

Location:Tempe, Arizona

Monday, January 16, 2012

It's About Time

How can life be so busy that I never have time to blog? Christmas and New Years have come and gone and Feb. is fast approaching. This last weekend the girls at Morning Star quilts were treated to a full weekend of laughter, food, quilting, no working, just hours and hours of sewing. Every year my Christmas present to them is a retreat at the store. We close at 1 on Friday and reopen on Monday. Mark cooked for us, and I must say he is one fine cook. What wonderful women we have working for us, the best of friends, creative, funny, caring, and full of love. Cheers to you girls of MSQ.

So no New Years resolutions for me. I feel like they set me up for failure. This year I have set goals and I hope to improve in these areas. After a visit with my Dr. I decided this is my year and I will achieve with help from God the desires of my heart. I'm looking forward to a year of good health for Mark and myself, Increased business for the store, success being a vendor, being the best boss possible, a good listener, a good friend and wife, and I will love to be a walker by the end of 2012. Just to improve in these areas would be great. We are packing the trailer and heading for Phoenix to be a vendor at the Phoenix Rusty Barn Show. My quilts are almost finished, just a bit of binding to put on. I figure binding can go on during the fourteen hour drive down there. We are taking a few extra days to be with our son and daughter in law. The store is looking great and we would love to see you. Lots of new fabric and samples for you to see. We have new wool in and our needlework section is well stocked.

Here's some pictures of my almost done projects.

Hope you all have a great week! God bless
