Saturday, May 19, 2012

Last Night in Kansas City

I have never laughed so much at Market!! After a hectic day of buying, buying, and more buying we went to a party at The Kansas City Star. We had a great finger food dinner, wine, beer and lots of new friends to meet. Of course there were very famous designers and authors to hobnob with. Kansas City Star authors were invited to share their quilts with us, over a hundred were displayed.

So here are a few pictures for you to enjoy.

The Kansas City Star has been printing for over 130 years employing many people such as, Henry Truman and Ernest Hemingway. The Wall Street Journal is also published at The Star.

Four quilts made in honor of the Kansas City garment district. The quilting was extraordinary. We where allowed to take pictures so here are some of my favorite.

Enough for today I will post again tomorrow.
Happy trails to you,

Location:Kansas City

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